Wednesday, January 6, 2010


When it becomes october i cant wait for decemeber and when it is January I want it to be December again.. I love christmas and everything about it.. I love being with family and loved ones. This Christmas eve we did the usual. we had a huge dinner with g-pa and g-ma and aunt belva with the mortensen family. Then after we eat we play hand bells.. and yes we are professional.. dont be jealous .. ha ha And Adrianna is the only one thar still believes in Santa so it was so fun to joke with her.. we pulled up the santa tracker.. it was really funny.. Its going to be weird when we dont have anyone that believes in santa.. i guess i will have to wait for neices and nephews.. ha ha hurry up kasey and mitch.. then christmas morning we woke up and opened presents.. i finally got my camera.. im so excited... then we just relaxed all day.. i just love christmas.. oh and we all got a love sac.. yahoo... I just love giving on christmas... well that is pretty much it,.....