Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Kenz and Jeff are now married.....

My best friend from high school just got married.. Im so happy for her and Jeff. Im not going to lie it was really funny to watch her getting dressed, she was too shy to dress infront of all of us, but we had to hold her dress.. The wedding was beautiful and the funny thing was when they were exchanging their rings all of a sudden my flower snapped in half and fell to the flow, good thing that everyone was paying attention to them and not my flower falling. Her colors were pink and green and kenz had hott pink converse shoes and jeff had neon green converse shoes, ha ha love it. Their wedding cake was made out of dounuts. It was so good to see everyone, it was such a blast and i know that kenz and jeff will have a wonderful life together..

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The other day me camilla and ashely went to float the river. It was not as fun as i remember it a couple years ago. Right after we were in the water for about 5 mins i just had to loose my flip flops so that was not fun at all. Through the whole float we had to get out about 4 times, that made me so mad.. they just had to build new sub divisions, and low bridges.. ha ha ha. But i did get a nice tan. someday i will be brave and go down the scary parts.. Then the other day i went with my friend andi and i was smart to wear actual shoes, it was so much eaiser. .but that time i was more prepared, so i am going again tomorrow, we will see how it goes...

Monday, July 27, 2009


So I know that it has been a long time that I have posted something, meghan this is for you . ha ha . So here is a funny story, last monday mitch and I were going for a motorcycle ride, which i was wearing cody's big cowboy boots.. i know sexy right.. we stopped at the church parking lot so that he can get a bug out of his eye. As we were about to get on the road I went to put my camera away and so as i was doing this mitch gunned it and off the back I went. I wish that someone was there to see this because it felt really cool. But i did get all scratched up, i know that the cowboy boots saved me. But my hip hurts so bad, but it was all worth it. I know when people look at my arm and say "what happened", i just giggle to myself because it is funny to watch people and their facial expressions. Poor mitch he did feel bad, but i should have been holding on. I swear everytime I get on behind mitch something happens, like when we were little we were on a 3-wheeler(ya we are old) and we were out in the field and we were going over the dikes and all of a sudden we went over one and somehow i ended in front and he ran over me.ha ha ha oh the good ole times, so now i know that i should always wear a helmet when I ride with Mitchell.. i still love ya though.. And i am a little upset with Jillian, I wish that she would have chosen Kypton, he was such a wonderful guy, I hope he is the next bachelor, i will be his number one fan. I am done with finals and i am so excited for this summer break.. PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will for sure keep everyone posted..

Monday, March 16, 2009


Sorry to all of you out there but i have the BEST family in the world.. There is kasey, mitchell, me, cody then camilla.. I love how we can all be ourselves around each other.. When we get together all we do is laugh at the weird things that we did when we were little.. ha ha we were dorky little kids.. ha ha we still are dorky.. Kasey is going to school in Utah and he is traveling the world.. where will he be next. Mitch is workin and going to school in rexburg.. Then there is me and i am in Nampa workin away getting ready to go back to school. Then there is cody.. he is just workin and chillin with friends, then there is camilla and she is super busy with dance and jr miss, we all wish her the best of luck. Then good ole mom and dad.. always busy with work and being the best parents in the world.. We are all so super chill and we love being with each other.. in the Winter we love going Snow Boarding.. then in the summer we used to go camping all the time, but now we are all super busy, so i hope this year we go on a camping trip.. so we will have to see.. i just love this family and hopefuly soon one of us will finally get married.. who will win the race to get married first..

rexburg fun!!!!!

So this past weekend i went to rexburg.. i had so much fun.. it was so great to see all of my wingers family.. I was so excited to see them that i showed up to wingers super early.. It was so weird to sit and watch everyone.. Of course preston and i had to do our traditional sanitizer hand shake.. he he he oh preston.. then there was luke walkin around flirting with all the girls.. ha ha Cute little kaitlyn always smiling as she passes me, and alittle but smackin going on.. then there is Nat.. the manager.. way to go.. she is a great manager, gottta love her. Alli just being the cute girl she is.. miss hard worker. then Andi always filling me in all the gossip, then tyler with his adorable glasses and his great hugs. Alan always there to make me giggle, with his wicked cool luagh. Andy being there for moral support, he is our biggest fan. Then you cant forget about all of the cooks in the back.. they are all my little boys.. I just love you all.. I cant wait to come back. gotta love friday and sat nights.. PARTY TIME.. and all the BP's (preston).. i want to thank them all for putting me under there wings.. you are all so important to me and i think hightly of you... even though you are all jealous of my pirate story.. bahahahahaha

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Yahoo.. i have a blog..

So thanks to luke i have a blog now.. im so so excited. i have no idea how to use this. ha ha