Monday, March 16, 2009


Sorry to all of you out there but i have the BEST family in the world.. There is kasey, mitchell, me, cody then camilla.. I love how we can all be ourselves around each other.. When we get together all we do is laugh at the weird things that we did when we were little.. ha ha we were dorky little kids.. ha ha we still are dorky.. Kasey is going to school in Utah and he is traveling the world.. where will he be next. Mitch is workin and going to school in rexburg.. Then there is me and i am in Nampa workin away getting ready to go back to school. Then there is cody.. he is just workin and chillin with friends, then there is camilla and she is super busy with dance and jr miss, we all wish her the best of luck. Then good ole mom and dad.. always busy with work and being the best parents in the world.. We are all so super chill and we love being with each other.. in the Winter we love going Snow Boarding.. then in the summer we used to go camping all the time, but now we are all super busy, so i hope this year we go on a camping trip.. so we will have to see.. i just love this family and hopefuly soon one of us will finally get married.. who will win the race to get married first..


  1. welcome, welcome to this crazy world of blogging!!! i have one too!

  2. jennie! its so good to see you have a blog! now we can stay in touch more. becca has one too - i made her make one awhile ago, so i could see what was going on in her life and all that. so you'll have to add us both! that's awesome you're still taking some dance classes. how fun!
