Thursday, July 30, 2009

The other day me camilla and ashely went to float the river. It was not as fun as i remember it a couple years ago. Right after we were in the water for about 5 mins i just had to loose my flip flops so that was not fun at all. Through the whole float we had to get out about 4 times, that made me so mad.. they just had to build new sub divisions, and low bridges.. ha ha ha. But i did get a nice tan. someday i will be brave and go down the scary parts.. Then the other day i went with my friend andi and i was smart to wear actual shoes, it was so much eaiser. .but that time i was more prepared, so i am going again tomorrow, we will see how it goes...


  1. jennie! i haven't floated the dry bed in forever! i used to do it all summer long with rachael. i always hated the parts where you had to get out because of small waterfalls or low bridges. the blue/black hole (i can't remember what it's called) was always so fun and floating past the golf course and diving for golf balls. hahaha. i miss having the summers completely off - no work, no school - just friends all day. anyway, it's been forever since i saw you last. hope you're doing well. miss ya.

  2. hi jennie! i saw that you have a blog and had to come take a look! i sure miss our fun dance days! hope all is going well for you!
